Friday, July 30, 2010

The Soul Mate!!!

Surely, this is not the first day i thought of writing about DH & mother, but you know, was always apprehensive that i might not be able to express as much as i wanted to and perhaps i will never be able to express anything as it should be. But, things needs to start at some point or other, so here i start about DH.

To be precise, i had zero expectations on the would be partner, infact i had zero knowledge on how marraige system works. I was blind enough to beleive that it will be set by parents and i will need to walk into it holding his hand. Blissful ignorance! I call it blissful and i totally mean it. Cant guess if i was so much knowledgeful that time, where i would have landed now.
The much talked about DH :), Myself, Sanju & Roshu

We both come from two different lattitudes. I was an amateur carefully fed by family and dependent for all emotional needs. He on the otherside is a bird on his own wings, emotionally balanced, way beyond matured to handle things. While i was kiddish, trying to look for solace in little funny things he was clear on what he wanted for a contended life.

I'm a person with book knowledge and career skills while he is a person with no great degree after his name but excelled in worldly skills.

I call first year of marraige a tough one. We never had fights, but surely had those tiny compatiable issues that are within-the-two. Wonder, if any couple remains untouched with these. If does, there is something wrong :)

As i say this, i must also tell you that i never had my hands on cooking till the marraige. But when it was the time for me to cook all by myself, i must appreciate him for bearing me & my experiments. He ate whatever i cooked(ofcourse, no choice) without any complaints & I remember him praising me before others at times for no reason except to keep my spririts up.
 He knows to treat the woman right every where, makes sure that women in his life get due respect from everyone be it his mother or his wife. There was never a day he tried to compare me with any other woman be it in cooking, cleaning or organizing. Not that he never criticizes, he does...but never through comparison.

While i tried to fool him on 1st April, he simply accepted it and asked me if one becomes fool among both of us, will the other one remain not? I saw his point. I never tried to fool him again till date and ofcourse, i am not finding fun in doing that any more with anyone.

He accepts the responsblity as it is and never tries to make any excuses howmuch ever painful and stressful it is.

I never seen him watching TV in hall, while i was mugging in kitchen. He gives me that much needed helping hand. Don't know how many husbands out there do it the same way, but i'm happy that he does.

He loves my family & extended family more than i do and they all love & respect him the same way. Will some one ask for better?
 If there is a party or function to be done, he is the one who takes all the work on his shoulders and executes it single handedly and flawlessly. Latest brother's marraige is an example.

He hardly listens to me. But i'm convinced that its for right reasons ;-)

When i had to travel alone to US and when i finished my MBA, he was more excited than i was. He celebrated it with a cake on the day my results were out. He passed on the courage for me to travel and did all the packing for me. Will all the much educated hubbies too the same? I doubt.

Not all express effection the same way. While i do it by gifts and surprises, he does it by caring & comforting. However, he is not too bad at giving surprises though. For my first bday after marraige, he decorated the house with balloons by the time i was back from office. After about 5 yrs, for last V-day, he gifted me a nice gift article with two birds. Need i say i was super delighted after knowing what kind of a person he is?

I love him to the bits for what a father he is. He lives as if his purpose to live is to make the kids happy. He is overwhelmed if someone praises kids. He calls me 20 times in a day if i travel with kids otherwise twice a day ;-) He never gives a second thought if to buy something for them. He makes sure that he gives them all perfects. I wonder how he looks into details of whatever they wear. He handpicks their dresses & jewellery. If we were to go to a movie, he bothers about his shop but if it was to do with shopping for kids, he doesn't mind closing the shop for 3 days in a row. Beleive me, he comes home at 10:30 in night and notices if Sanju's skin is anyway little dry. There were numerous nights in winter he applied moisturizer to Sanju as her skin gets dried. much for me. I can never!

All in all, i say he values the family and cares to keep the family members happy rather than impressing. I know it and happy for it! And yes, i want him to remain the same always!

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